July 27th, 2006 at 03:16 am
I like the frozen citrus bars they have in the stores but they're usually over $3.00 a box and I hate paying that much.
The other night I got to thinking - why couldn't I buy those popsicle mold things they have and put some of my Crystal Light in them 'n freeze them.
I'd have basically the same thing for a fraction of the cost [plus the added bonus of very few calories!]
So, I just did a "buy it now" on Ebay and total with shipping it come to $10.00 and I know that in the end, I'll save many times over the $10.00 that I spent on them. 
I used $10.00 of my Paypal money to buy this.
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Painless ways to save!,
Articles, Hints & Tips
July 20th, 2006 at 03:52 am
Wow - tonight I decided to balance my checkbook and after I was done, I had found $182.00 and some cents! Woo hoo! 
Okay, I knew the money was in there [but didn't have a clue as to how much ...]
What I'd been doing for a few months is, when I'd use my MAC card or even when writing checks;
If my total was like $11.19, I'd write that in the 1st column in my check register but would subtract either up to the next dollar [$12.00],
or if I had a pretty good balance, I'd then subtract maybe $15.00 or $20.00 instead of the $11.19.
Well, I went back today and went over everything 'cuz I'm ready for a new check register thingie and wanted it balanced before I did.
Was I ever surprised that it come out to "that" much 'cuz to be honest,
I thought maybe there'd be like $100.00 or so there [if that] but had NO idea there'd be close to $200.00! 
Now I'm going to take and transfer some of that into my other checking account [which I got specifically with no MAC card or checks], so I can more easily save it!
What a rush to find that much extra. 
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Painless ways to save!,
Little things do add up!
July 14th, 2006 at 10:56 pm
I am so excited 'cuz after I started this blog and decided to get serious about not spending and with saving money;
I finally quit procrastinating about calling the phone company as I'd planned on doing for quite awhile now.
Today I did call and for one, I changed from having my number un-published to being published [saving $2.50 a month.]
That may not sound like much, however it adds up to $30.00 a year!
Also, while on the phone with them - I changed my DSL from the $29.95 a month plan which I've been on for about 3 years now ...
To their $17.95 a month plan.
Total savings per year? $174.00 for downgraded DSL.
Total for going back to having a published number and changing my DSL service?
A whopping $204.00 a year in savings! :-)
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Painless ways to save!