August 1st, 2006 at 02:04 am
Okay now, first of all - I'm a smoker and I know that I should quit and ... how much money it would save [so please, no lectures about my quitting please. *Smile*]
Having said that - I've come up with something that I'm gonna try and see how much I can save.
Since I roll my own cigarettes, I figured the cost out to be 4 cents each.
This is much cheaper than buying them by the pack; however still - I know it adds up.
What I am going to do is to keep a chart on how many I don't smoke and then add them up at 4 cents each.
That money will go strictly towards furniture for my balcony [for when I get my balcony apartment.]
I figured it out and if I were to not smoke 10 cigarettes a day - that would really add up over time.
That'd be 40 cents a day and would come out to $12.00 a month or $144.00 a year.
And since it'll be probably 4-5 years before I get my balcony apartment, not smoking 10 cigarettes a day would add up to $576.00 in 4 years time!
Yes, I know if I were to quit altogether it would save more and maybe I'll try working on that another time.
Still - for now, each time I want a cigarette and put off smoking it for 1/2 hour, I'm giving myself 4 cents to go into my savings for my balcony furniture. 
And again - it goes to show that over time, little things do add up!
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Little things do add up!,
Balcony Apartment
July 26th, 2006 at 12:27 am
Today my sister and I had to go to a town about 25 miles or so from here.
It just happens to be the town where they have a building I want to live in [with a balcony apartment!]
I had my camera with me and was able to take a few pictures [good motivation for saving $ to move there.
Anyways, this is a picture of it!
Franklin Towers
Posted in
Balcony Apartment
July 24th, 2006 at 04:12 am
This is the apartment building that is a stone's throw away from the Lake and some apartments face the lake.
Have been looking for this address & number so will keep here for future reference.
Steger Apts.
(716) 366-8740
15 N Main St Ofc, Dunkirk, NY 14048
Posted in
Balcony Apartment
July 23rd, 2006 at 06:10 am
Someday I am going to have an apartment with a balcony.
I want one so bad that I can't stand it but for now, I'll just have to keep dreaming ... saving and planning for a move to one.
There are none that I can think of in our town so I'd have to relocate about 25-30 miles from where I'm at now.
Can't do that for awhile because I know it'd really upset my granddaughter [she's 11 now];
however - in a few years [maybe 5 or so?], she's going to be 16 and I'm sure I won't be as important then.
Or atleast where I live won't be 'cuz when she's that age, 25-30 miles won't seem like such a long ways to her.
The one is in Franklin and I love the apartments down there 'cuz I got to see one about 4 years ago.
One problem there though is that I would have to pay utilities 'cuz they're not included in the rent.
Well - maybe not all the utilities 'cuz I think all I'd have to pay is rent, cable and electric,
because if I remember right, it's an all electric apartment.
Still, it was soooo nice with a beautiful balcony!! 
The other balcony apartment is in a hi-rise in Meadville and the utilities there are all included,
but - the apartments I don't think are quite as nice plus the balconies are smaller if I remember right.
Will blog later about the disadvantages and advantages of each one and other things I think of as well.
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Balcony Apartment
July 15th, 2006 at 04:16 am
Hmmm ... well, right now I can think of several of them. 
These aren't in any type of order really, not of importance anyways ...
1. Get another vehicle
2. Lose weight
3. Get a life again!
4. Move to an apartment with a balcony
5. Take a trip [not sure where but by the ocean somewhere!]
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Balcony Apartment