August 2nd, 2006 at 01:51 am
I hope I remember to keep this up and edit this entry on a daily basis.
I want to keep track of my no-spend days for the month of August.
8/1 - No spend day! 
8/2 - No spend day
8/3 - No spend day
8/4 - No spend day
8/5 - No spend day
8/6 - Spend day 
8/7 - Spend day
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A day without spending
July 15th, 2006 at 03:22 am
I had hoped to start my no-spending challenge this coming week [on Monday] but it looks like I'll have to put it off a day or two.
Today I had planned on going to Walmart because I do have a list of things that I "have" to get.
That didn't happen though because I was tied up most all day and then by that time, it was too late and the bus had quit running for the day.
My granddaughter is staying overnight with me tonight and possibly tomorrow night and we have a wedding to go to tomorrow.
So again, I won't get to Walmart to get my stuff.
Sunday the bus doesn't run and Monday, I have a Dr.'s appointment.
Looks like I may not be able to get my stuff till atleast Tuesday.
Oh well - atleast the idea has been planted for my no-spending challenge,
which put me in a much better position than I was in just a few days ago, right? 
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A day without spending
July 14th, 2006 at 06:08 am
I am so happy to find this place because it's just what I was looking for!
Lately I've been thinking about starting a challenge for no spending for a week;
this will make things so much easier [you know - 'cuz I'll kind of feel accountable if I write it on here. *lol*]
Should I take this challenge [challenging myself, really ...], I will probably start it this coming Monday.
Can't think of any spending that I need to do that day with the exception of a co-payment to the Dr.'s office.
And - just to get off to a good start, I might just have them bill me for that later [it's only $1.00 so sometimes I let it go till it's 4 or 5 dollars 'n then pay it with a check.]
Well - it's late now so guess I'll go for tonight but am hoping to get back on here tomorrow 'n gab some more.
What else can I say except this site is WAY COOL! :-)
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A day without spending